28th Annual Learning Symposium
September 24, 2024
Microsoft World Headquarters, Redmond, WA
"Building Excellence for Today,
Instilling Resilience for Tomorrow"
For 28 years, Performance Excellence Northwest has brought you the largest Pacific Northwest conference focused on improving your critical organizational systems to get better results.
This year's format is a one-day blended offering to provide learners with opportunities. While virtual options got us through the pandemic and they can be very effective, many of our customers want to (re)establish personal connections with other like-minded professionals in our community and have more of a "hands-on" experience. Regardless of which you prefer, we hope ot provide you with options that can meet your learning needs (presentations, discussions, and networking with like-minded professionals). So, block out some time to join us, learn from others, and share your knowledge within the PENW learning community.
PENW would like to recognize Macrina Bakery and Pagliacci Pizza for providing breakfast and lunch.
We appreciate your generosity and hospitality!
Keynote Speaker
PENW is honored to have two-time national award recipient in 2014 and 2020, Elevations Credit Union, Boulder, CO and leadership author Dan Edds as our keynote speakers.